Room changes can happen for a variety of reasons through the academic school year. This page outlines the Room Change protocol, reasons room changes are initiated, and frequently asked questions regarding room changes.

Key/Card Access During a Move

Residence HallMoving In 
(Get access to new space)
Moving Out
(Removing access after move is complete)
Pitzer, Atherton, Sanborn, East West, SkanderaGo to Res Life office to pick up a temp keycard; begin your moveGo to Res Life office to return temp keycard. Your ID will be coded to new space.
MeadGo to Res Life office to pick up your new Mead Key; begin your move.Drop off old Mead key within Res Life office or Mead key-drop box outside Res Life office. 
Claremont Collegiate Apartments (CCA)Go to CCA office to pick up your CCA key; begin your move.Drop off old CCA key within CCA office or CCA key-drop box outside CCA office. 

Steps of a mid-year room change:

  1. Student Initiated
    1. Set up meeting with a Residence Director
    2. Perform/re-evaluate a roommate/suitemate agreement
    3. The Residence Director will evaluate and advise Residence Life staff if a room change is recommended
  2. Staff Initiated
    1. Room Accommodations due to a Disability (RADA) considerations
    2. OSA Dean-on-Call emergent issue
    3. Title IX considerations
    4. Student conduct process